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Grid, Data List, repeater

bind data from database table to grid, data list, repeater
item template
autogenatated column= false what is it means?
how can i add a check box in a grid view
how can i make grid row as editable mode when i check the check box?
how can i add sorting in grid? using code?

When grid load, how can i do sorting based on two columns in the grid?http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479015.aspx#aspnet-whenusedatawebcontrols_topic1

SQl Connection
SQL Command
Execute Reader
Execute non query
Execute Scalar
data view
filter in dataset?
merge two tables of data in to dataset
connected and dis connected data connection? (mode)
bound column
item column
how can i change alternate row color in grid

what is requirements to develop and run asp.net application?
Development: .net framework, IIS, Visual Studio (IDE), SQL or ORACLE or MSAccess
IDE:Integrated development environment

How to connect sql from .net code?
how to connect msaccess from .net code?
what sre steps required to bind sql data in to grid?
Ans)Connection, cmd, adapter, dataset, databind
Diff b/w inline query and using storedprocedure?
bind data from sql to grid using storedprocedure?Code?
how to pass input parameters to storedprocudure using .net code
how to get out parameter in .net code
how to pass null values to sql from .net?

Categories: Uncategorized
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